Friday, July 24, 2009

Giving Meaning to Evidence-based

In this era of health "insurance" reform, everyone is looking for proof that reform is the better option than the status quo.

Social policies within the United States Armed Forces have served us well in race relations. Why not in health, particularly in suicide prevention?

The Suicide Prevention Action Network, a division of the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention, is seeking that states accurately track and evaluate health results. But what does that mean? What does that actually look like in the realm of suicide prevention?

Suicides in the armed forces are an all time high. The Defense Department is not only on notice, but finally has noticed. They are doing something about it. Proper evaluation of the prevention strategies they are executing on could potentially serve as a benchmark for other suicide prevention programs nationwide.

This is the insular, control case everyone has been waiting for.

The Afterw@rd

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