Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Passing of an Advocate

Eunice Kennedy Shriver passed away yesterday. She, indeed was, such a remarkable, trailblazing woman who lived fully and advocated strongly for those with mental health disorders.

She shared not only the Kennedy name but their fire as well in defense of those like her sister, Rosemary Kennedy, who was institutionalized from the age of 23. Eunice openly discussed how we should treat those with mental retardation, convincing the general public that those with mental disabilities can be productive members of society.

I celebrate Eunice's accomplishments and learn from her experiences.

No one need live with and bear the stigma of a mental disorder. The Special Olympics is a repudiation of fringe living and a stand for being fully present where ever you are on the mental spectrum.

Cheers, Eunice, to a life well lived.

The Afterw@rd

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