Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bicentennial Celebrations!

Today we celebrate President Lincoln's bicentennial birthday. We also celebrate the 200th birthday of another great character in U.S. history, writer Edgar Allan Poe. Distinguished individuals that have left their imprint on U.S. history.

What do both of these great men have in common? Mental disorders. It is widely known that Mr. Lincoln suffered from depression and Poe experienced manic episodes and often medicated his bipolar behavior with alcohol. (Not too unlike, Michael Phelps!)

While much has changed over the last 200 years, the stigma of mental disorders remains. It's not to say we have remained stagnant. Some progress has been made. We have increased our understanding of some mental disorders but much still remains to be done and understood. However, it's frustrating to know that treatment options are simply not as well understood, and when used only work for 50% of people who bother to get diagnosed.

What to do?

Education raises awareness, but does it tear down the stigma? We must stand firm in the belief that everyone with an mental disorder can have lasting impact when given the opportunity. Lincoln and Poe are a testament to that fact.

The Afterw@rd


Anonymous said...

Interesting information. It is good to be reminded that these historical figures were as human as we are today.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting.