Saturday, November 22, 2008

National Survivor of Suicide Day: TODAY

A Day of Healing For Survivors of Suicide Loss

Today we celebrate the 10th Annual Survivor's of Suicide Day. Join with other survivors of suicide loss at a local site near you or register to watch the 90-minute program from your home computer from 1-2:30pm Eastern Time and take part in a free online chat immediately afterwards.

The program includes a blend of emotional support and information about resources for healing for survivors of suicide loss. Survivors and mental health professionals discuss their experiences and answer the questions that so many survivors face: Why did this happen? How do I cope? Click here to listen to a brief radio interview in which Joanne Harpel, Director of Survivor Initiatives, speaks about this annual event and the experience of losing someone to suicide.

To find a conference site nearest you, or to register to watch the webcast from home, visit When you register to watch from home, you are automatically registered for the online chat afterwards.

We hope you'll share in this powerful day of support, information, and healing. Please feel free to pass this message on to anyone you think might be interested.

Take good care,
Joanne Harpel, AFSP Director of Survivor Initiatives
Bob Antonioni, Chair, AFSP National Survivor Council

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