Thursday, November 13, 2008

Choice in the Matter

"Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it." To me, this quote is too reactionary of a perspective without much meat, because life is not about easy livin'. Life and time have taught me that.

Bad things happen to everyone. It indeed is about how we choose to respond. We can lay down and sleep as life passes us by. When we awake we can choose to be sad, self-defeating, resentful, self-pitying. We choose.

Then here's the flip script. We can also choose to wake up and be about some thing progressive, be about change, be about life, be about making a difference for ourselves and those we love. Be about long-term, constructive, supportive, positive thought AND ACTION.

You can think about things all day long, but until you act, do, and achieve small incremental goals that's when we can look life in the face and know and rest in our knowing that we have made the most of the lemons we have been dealt.

It's our choice. Own it. Love it. Live it.

The Afterw@rd

"Live your life so that your children can tell their children that you not only stood for something wonderful- you acted upon it.
- Dan Zandra

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