Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Son Remembered...

Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:24 AM
Subject: Chad

Chad's death changed my life forever. He is the one person who I knew loved me unconditionally and told me so. I think of him all the time and look at his pictures every day.

God has really been dealing with me and I am not sure where or when this came to me but it did. Chad knew how much I worried about him and how much concern I had over him. We always spoke with each other for the other not to worry about the other one. He shared with me in December on his visit how much he was worried about me. He knew I was overly concerned about his relationship and life.

Chad came to the point where he did not want us living in worry over him. He was so tired in the end and shared this with me Christmas [sic]. So one night I was awakened this fall with Chad on my mind. I knew he was in a better place, well and smiling, He was watching over me and wants me to be happy. He had no idea what his death would do to all of us.

So I try each day to celebrate his life. To remember the good things about our times. The fun times in our life and his beautiful eyes and smile. The greatest gift he had was his tender heart and giving ways.

I too will be thankful when this 1 year is behind us. Their are days when I wish him back, when I long to talk with someone or feel so lonely as he had a way about him to make me feel good. Saturday I will celebrate his life.

I would like to plant something out there but not sure what. I am going to Costo [sic] Friday and buy some flowers. He loved flowers and plants.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you for sharing.