Monday, January 30, 2012

Reforming Psychiatric Care with the Club Drug "Special K"

Imagine instantly being able to no longer feel depressed. Going through an episode? If you are prescribed Special K you may miraculously and immediately feel better, according to this National Public Radio report.

Before we thought that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance, but the reality is that we really don't know.

The fact is that people react differently to different drugs. So much is still unknown about the causes that it is frustrating. I feel that people refuse to dig into these issues unless it is profitable to good old pharma.

I'm not hating the playa, just hating the game.

The Afterw@rd

Thursday, March 24, 2011

$1.8 Billion

State budget writers looking for cash to balance the books have stripped a cumulative $1.8 billion from mental health services over the last 2 1/2 years

You can see how these cuts are affecting Texas and Maryland.

The issues is so much greater than the general disdain and disregard our elected officials feel regarding those in need of mental health care. The reason they can get away with such deep cuts is because we let them.

(Think: Just go try to enact similar cuts on Medicare or Social Security.)

I was watching a Spanish television program where a man who had hit rock bottom had lost his job, ended up in a psych ward because he was suicidal. To look at the man, you would not have guessed it. He was well put together and seemed like a guy that had a lot to offer any firm in a professional capacity. The young man was pissed that his only brother turned his back on him during his crisis. On the other hand, his supportive partner felt unappreciated and thought that it was necessary for our guy to just "snap out of it." The host suggested that he focus on the positive and quickly moved on to the next story who as she stated had "real problems," totally discounting the pain that the depressed man was going though.

The anger that coursed through my veins fueled me to blog. Only those in the know, can truly understand how hard it is to "just snap out of it" and move beyond the pain. People would much better deal with the outlandish outbusts of the Chris Brown's or the Charlie Sheen's of the world (pick an interview, any exclusive interview).

Then I wake up and read "An Open Letter to Chris Brown" by Kevin Powell, and it gives me hope.

Some people go get it. More needs to be done. Therapy is an undervalued commodity usually restricted to the rich.

Prayer is simply insufficient. But that's a whole other blog entry.


PS This blog entry is dedicated to someone who understood this need well and could laugh in the face of tragedy. Rest in peace Mike DeStefano.